Hello, my name is

Thanosan Prathifkumar

Read more about me below!

Welcome to my website

My name is Thanosan.

I am a high school student in Canada. I try to bring my unique solutions to fruition through application development, machine learning, and frontend/backend web development.




I have used Python libraries to create websites and to create machine learning models.

Front End Development

I enjoy working with frameworks such as Next.js, React.js, and Tailwind CSS.

Back End Development

Using frameworks such as Flask, Node.js, and Prisma, I am able to effectively create and mantain databases.

Machine Learning

I have used machine learning libraries such as PyTorch, Tensorflow and Keras to create neural networks.


Pathfinding Visualizer

Developed a pathfinding visualizer in Python that provides a visualization given a start point, an end point, and an algorithm.

Write It Down

Created a simple note-taking application using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion, NextAuth and Prisma.

Research Buddy

Created a chrome extension that uses machine learning to help students research more effectively

Tutorial Tube

Created a video search engine using state of the art machine learning models and algorithms

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Ontario, Canada

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